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Mr Watt, Monsieur Ampere, Count Volt and the Sun

pv y molinopv close up

Apart from our wind turbine the other way we produce electricity here at Los Gazquez is with the use of a photovoltaic array which tracks the sun throughout the day returning to the sun’s point of origin in the morning.

Photovoltaics in simple terms use the sun’s energy, in the form of photons to knock electrons into a higher state of energy to create electricity. The consequence is that negatively charged atoms collide with positively charged atoms and the excess electrons flow from one to the other. This phenomenon is called the flow of electricity, created and stored as DC and converted for use in the house,  AC,  by an inverter.

What is more our version tracks the sun reducing the need for larger installations and optimising the current created by the array. It’s the same technology which is applied to the satellite orbiting the earth right now and allowing us to access broadband Internet. Cool really and zero emissions.

pv tracker

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