Tuesday Tuna…


Another fine invention from Andalucia’s cousins across the Straights of Gibraltar, musama, or today more popularly known as mojama. There are many ways of preserving food without the benefit of refrigeration and this is one. When the coast is hot as well as windy and dry what is more obvious than putting sea salt on tuna fillets and hanging them in the sun to dry?

The principle can be applied to any variety of tuna as well as mackrel which would seem preferable. As they dry in the wind they shrink and become dark red. When ready to prepare you slice the fillets so finely that they are transparent. Marinade in olive oil for an hour then serve with toasted almonds. Delicious.

Our man here in Velez Rubio market also sells bacalao, a salted dried cod. There are many stories surrounding the invention of this dish. It was probably originated by the Vikings but I favour the Basques and the notion that they discovered America via the Newfoundland fishing grounds but kept it secret so that they could sell the world bacalao.

Lucky world.


1 Comment »

  1. Cecília said,

    April 14, 2009 @ 8:13 pm

    “Bacalhau” (cod) is very popular here too. Specially in these times of “Semana Santa”. With “popular” I mean a very desired food, but out of reach for most of the population, due to its high costs.
    Then, the market sells other salted dried fishes, and people, catholic or not, feel strongly that eat the authentic bacalhau.
    When you say tuna in sliced “fillets so finely that they are transparent” it reminds me japanese food, wich I really love.
    Many stories, many tastes, but always “luck world”!

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