A Los Gázquez favourite artist, Charles Tunnicliffe…


Los Gázquez favourite artist Charles Tunnicliffe, illustrator, watercolour painter, etcher, wood engraver, oil painter and ‘scraper board’ expert. (do they still make scraper board) He was born in England but spent most of his life living on the Isle of Anglesey by the estuary in Malltraeth.  He predominantly illustrated wildlife, especially birds. However, if you do a Google image search you will find on the whole a more conventional illustrative form than this drawing of a Turtle Dove I have posted here. For us the paintings in this form are the extraordinary works. You would be accurate in describing them as anatomical as indeed they are but more than that they show a profound love of his subject. He paints them with a deeper intention than describing their plumage. When he turns the animal over to observe the inside  of a wing, for example, he is almost paying homage to it’s life form. Even the notes he makes on the edge of the paintings allude to a greater observation of the colours he observes. So whilst he illustrated things like Henry Williamson’s ‘Tarka the Otter’ or Brooke Bond tea cards the work we like is much more incisive and truly gets to the heart of his subject without the distraction of having to conform to external aesthetic values.


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