Los Caminos de la Luna

Los Caminos de la Luna

Or walking by moonlight. The next full moon falls upon August the 6th and Los Gazquez has planned a series of midnight walks on or around this date.

And what a date too, for it happens to coincide more or less with the Lagrimas de San Lorenzo, which is a spectacular meteor shower which sends hundreds of shooting stars across the sky. It is a good opportunity to hear the creatures of the night too,  in the cool and pine scented mountain air.

After an evening meal we leave at about nine o’clock in the evening walking across the mountain caminos for around four hours before returning to Los Gazquez for a small supper.

The next walk by moonlight will be on or around the 4th of September.

Please make enquiries here or via the web site.

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  1. Cecília said,

    July 23, 2009 @ 5:06 pm

    El embrujo de la luna…
    Wish I could…
    How about making a video and show it here to us?

  2. admin said,

    July 23, 2009 @ 5:43 pm

    I was wondering where Cecilia was, how are you?

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